Stay positive. Good things will come.

Wednesday 20 April 2016

life lesson learnt

things have not been easy for me lately, i was too caught up with the idea of a perfect life, and when He decided to take everything one by one, I have no power to stop Him as He knows best.

my laptop broke down, i waited for weeks but then Alhamdulillah its aliveeee but new hard disc meaning its working like a brand new laptop. no old memories. later then my phone exploded along with the charger and everything, nothing can be done because the chemical from the battery ruined everything inside, also no memories left. as for now, im here with no pictures left of my friends, no contacts, no everything, but i have my friends. they can provide me everything back :)

one thing is that, if you think you have everything in life, know that one day you can wake up to nothing. dont get too attached to everything temporary because when its gone, you're gonna hurt bad. so enjoy everything while it lasts but dont forget to be grateful of everything you have and dont get too carried away.

but if He do take something from you, dont be sad because its gone, be happy because it happened.
He, Allah knows best as He is the best Planner.

Sunday 21 February 2016

A visit to Rumah Seri Kenangan Cheras


So a few days ago, the Student Representative Council along with 22 other students of Kolej MARA Kuala Nerang paid a visit to Rumah Seri Kenangan in Cheras.
As soon as we reach there, we started the day with some simple exercise like some sort of ice breaking for those adorable old folks!

Afterward, we spent about an hour plus talking and chatting and laugh while taking tour around the place.
The surroundings are so nice and relaxing.

Sitting on the floor after a long walk following that atok in yellow showing around his room and all.

He's pack with pantun riddles and jokes sia. Joyful atok ah this one.

This nenek over here shocked me a little. This is the neneks' room so I was just looking from the window. Then she said "Eh son come in come in have a seat."
Wow such fluent English, She's an educated grandma ok.

Here are the handcrafts she made for the purpose of hobby and selling. She got award once from the government for her amazing handcrafts.

This is Mr Exco Academic showing off playing checkers with this atok.
He's a pro, the atok.

Me: "Jom ambik gambar, peace sikit"
Atok: *grabs my arm*

I heard this atok from Rembau have a crush on Mrs Treasurer here HAHAHA

This atok right here is from Negeri Sembilan, he's in the bedridden room. Most of the bedriddens cant walk quite properly so we help them with lunch. This one here is so adorable asking me to eat first and all. Atok pls Im hungry but you need to eat (ofcourse not saying that out loud)

We also did some cleaning but I took no pictures.

Coming here I have the thought of my late grandma.
God bless their life.

Have a good day!

Sunday 13 December 2015

A step back.

Take a step back
away from reality
away from society
away from life

Stay and stare
as silent as it could get
as far as human's eyes are capable of

Lots of things happen around you
The birds are fooling in the sky
The leaves are dancing to the wind
The water flows on beat
The crickets singing melodies

Life's so beautiful
when you have the time
to step back and appreciate


Saturday 31 October 2015

I did acupuncture!


Pagi tadi i went for acupuncture for sinus dooooooo! Sebenarnya my atok yang yang buat for glucoma but why not kan tag along hahahaha! Sakit sikit je weh serious. Atok dalam 20 jarum lah jugak hohoho mine was like 15. Kat muka dah 5 huehuehue kaki tangan pun kena sekali. Ni ha gambar gambar nya... 


Gambar muka takleh upload atas faktor kehodohan melampau dan lighting teruks. 

Tu je nak cerita! Bye....


Monday 12 October 2015


I miss talking to you.
I miss listening to your stories.
I miss hearing your voice.
I miss your jokes.
I miss your giggles.
I miss everything abt you. 

I really want to talk to you, text you.
But in the end, I know I'm gonna hurt myself.
Its such a horrible feeling.
So its better for us to be strangers.
I guess.


Saturday 10 October 2015


No matter how many times you've tried.
You just can't forget them.

Tattooed to your thoughts.
Scarred to your souls.
Bounded to your hearts.

Reckless; you're tired.
They're permanent.


Friday 9 October 2015


It's life.
It's not going to be that easy nor that hard. 
Deep breathe and continue living. 
Smile and stay positive.
